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temperature inversion中文是什么意思

用"temperature inversion"造句"temperature inversion"怎么读"temperature inversion" in a sentence


  • 逆温现象
  • 气温倒转
  • 气温逆增
  • 温度倒置
  • 温度倒转
  • 温度换算
  • 温度逆变
  • 温度逆增;逆温
  • 温度逆转
  • 温度转变
  • 温度转化


  • An analysis of a strong temperature inversion process over the chukchi sea region in arctic
  • A temperature inversion is a meteorological phenomenon where air temperature increases with height
  • The temperature inversion dissipated by the evening 6 : 12 p . m . following periods of sunshine during the day
  • A temperature inversion was observed at 10 : 43 a . m . when the visibility decreased to around 4000 m in haze
  • In london , tokyo , new york and other cites , a weather condition called a temperature inversion allows smog to hang over the city for several days at a time
  • When a temperature inversion is formed in the pearl river delta ( prd ) region , or when a weak northerly or northwesterly wind prevails , ambient air pollutants ( including nox and voc ) in the region will be trapped easily in the lower atmosphere and cannot be dispersed effectively . the above factors , if coupled with strong sunlight , will favour the building up of ozone concentrations
  • When a temperature inversion is formed in the pearl river delta ( prd ) region , or when a weak northerly or northwesterly wind prevails , ambient air pollutants ( including nitrogen oxides ( nox ) and volatile organic compounds ( voc ) ) in the region will be trapped easily in the lower atmosphere and cannot be dispersed effectively . the above factors , if coupled with strong sunlight , will generate ozone under photochemical reaction between nox and voc and lead to the phenomenon of photochemical smog
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